.. currentmodule:: firefly_client .. _firefly_client: ##################################################### firefly\_client - Python API to Firefly visualization ##################################################### `firefly_client` provides a Python API to the Firefly visualization framework. You can find it on Github at https://github.com/Caltech-IPAC/firefly_client .. _firefly_client-intro: Introduction ============ Firefly is a web framework for astronomical data access and visualization, developed at Caltech/IPAC and deployed for the archives of several major facilities including Spitzer, WISE, Plank and others. Firefly is the framework for the Portal Aspect of the LSST Science User Platform. Its client-server architecture is designed to enable a user to easily visualize images and catalog data from a remote site. The `firefly_client` package provides a lightweight client class that includes a Python interface to `Firefly's Javascript API `_. This document contains examples of how to start a `FireflyClient` instance with details about the server location, and how to use the instance to upload and display astronomical images, tables and catalogs. .. _firefly_client-prerequisites: Prerequisites ============= * Python 3 * firefly_client (installable with `pip install firefly_client`) * URL for a Firefly server .. _firefly_client-getting-started: Getting Started =============== First, download some data by using wget or curl: .. code-block:: shell :name: gs-download wget http://web.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/roby/demo/2mass-m31-green.fits wget http://web.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/roby/demo/m31-2mass-2412-row.tbl curl -o 2mass-m31-green.fits http://web.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/roby/demo/2mass-m31-green.fits curl -o m31-2mass-2412-row.tbl http://web.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/roby/demo/m31-2mass-2412-row.tbl Second, start a Python session and connect an instance of :class:`firefly_client.FireflyClient` to a Firefly server. In this example, we use a public server. For ease of demonstration, please start the Python session in the directory from which you downloaded the sample files. .. code-block:: py :name: gs-start from firefly_client import FireflyClient fc = FireflyClient('irsa.ipac.caltech.edu:80', basedir='irsaviewer') Third, open a new browser tab using the :meth:`FireflyClient.launch_browser` method: .. code-block:: py :name: gs-launch fc.launch_browser() Fourth, display an image in a FITS file by uploading the file to the server with :meth:`FireflyClient.upload_file` and then showing the image. .. code-block:: py :name: gs-image fval = fc.upload_file('2mass-m31-green.fits') fc.show_fits(fval) Fifth, display a table by uloading a catalog table (here, in IPAC format) and then showing the table. The sources are also overlaid automatically on the image since the catalog contains celestial coordinates, and a default chart is displayed. .. code-block:: py :name: gs-table tval = fc.upload_file('m31-2mass-2412-row.tbl') fc.show_table(tval) .. _firefly_client-using: Using firefly_client ==================== The `firefly_client` package contains the class `FireflyClient` which provides the Python API to Firefly. Initializing a FireflyClient instance ------------------------------------- Once a Firefly server has been identified, the connection parameters can be used to initialize a :class:`FireflyClient` instance. A `host:port` parameter is required. Optional arguments are `channel` and `basedir`. For a default server running locally, use `localhost` or `` together with the port that the server is using. The default port is 8080. .. code-block:: py :name: using-localhost import firefly_client fc = firefly_client.FireflyClient('') If the Python session is running on your own machine, you can use the :meth:`FireflyClient.launch_browser` method to open up a browser tab. .. code-block:: py :name: launch-browser fc.launch_browser() The :meth:`FireflyClient.launch_browser` method will return the channel string. If the user did not specify a channel string, the Firefly server will auto-generate one. .. warning:: On Mac OS X 10.12.5, an error message may be displayed with a URL and a note that it doesn't understand the "open location message". If a browser tab is not automatically opened, copy and paste the displayed URL into the address bar of your browser. This issue has been fixed in Mac OS X 10.12.6. If your Python session is not running on your local machine, the :meth:`FireflyClient.launch_browser` method should not be used. Instead, display the URL to which you must connect using :meth:`FireflyClient.get_firefly_url`: .. code-block:: py print(fc.get_firefly_url('full')) Copy and paste the string into your address bar. If you are using SSH tunneling to connect to your Firefly server, you may need to modify the host and port parts of the URL to match your tunnel. You may set the `channel` parameter to a string of your choosing. In general, care should be taken to make the channel unique -- otherwise other users of your Firefly server could write to your display. .. code-block:: py fc = firefly_client.FireflyClient('', channel='qxefvt') Some Firefly servers do not use the default `basedir` in their URLs. Other values in use include `suit` (for LSST) and `irsaviewer` (for applications deployed for the Infrared Science Archive). A public server is usually available at `http://irsaviewer.ipac.caltech.edu:80/irsaviewer `: .. code-block:: py fc = firefly_client.FireflyClient('irsa.ipac.caltech.edu:80', basedir='irsaviewer') .. warning:: After initializing :class:`FireflyClient`, make sure you have opened a web browser to the appropriate URL, before proceeding to use the Python API described in the following sections. Displaying Images ----------------- Since Firefly was originally developed to visualize data products from astronomical archives, displaying an image is a two-step process of uploading a file and then showing it. The examples here use the data products downloaded in :ref:`firefly_client-getting-started`. The :meth:`FireflyClient.upload_file` method uploads the file and returns a location understood by the Firefly server. The location string is passed to :meth:`FireflyClient.show_fits` to display the image. In the display step, it is recommended to explicitly specify the `plot_id` parameter for later use in modifying the image display. .. code-block:: py fval = fc.upload_file('2mass-m31-green.fits') fc.show_fits(fval, plot_id='m31-green', title='2MASS H, M31') Modifying an Image Display -------------------------- Zooming, panning, and changing the stretch (mapping of pixels to display values) is accomplished by corresponding methods, passing in the `plot_id` as the first argument. .. code-block:: py fc.set_zoom('m31-green', 4) fc.set_pan('m31-green', 200, 195) fc.set_stretch('m31-green', 'sigma', 'log', lower_value=-2, upper_value=30) A "zscale" stretch may be commanded with alternate parameters: .. code-block:: py fc.set_stretch('m31-green', 'zscale', 'linear') At present the API does not include a function for changing the color map for the image. The relevant Javascript action may be invoked using :meth:`FireflyClient.dispatch_remote_action`: .. code-block:: py fc.dispatch_remote_action(fc.channel, action_type='ImagePlotCntlr.ColorChange', payload={'plotId': 'm31-green', 'cbarId': 16}) The colormap can be reverted to the original grayscale by using the command above together with `'cbarId' : 0`. Visualizing Regions ------------------- The API includes detailed support for ds9-style regions. A list of strings containing region commands can be added to an overlay layer on an image. .. code-block:: py region_data = ['J2000', 'text 10.6845417 41.2689167{M31 Nucleus} #color=red', 'point 10.7035000 41.2535833 # point=circle 20', 'image;line(249.5 164.1 283.8 206.6) # color=blue width=5'] fc.add_region_data(region_data=region_data, region_layer_id='layer1', title='my_marks', plot_id='m31-green') An individual region command can be removed using :meth:`FireflyClient.remove_region_data`. To remove the blue line: .. code-block:: py fc.remove_region_data(region_data=region_data[-1], region_layer_id='layer1') An entire region layer can be deleted with :meth:`FireflyClient.delete_region_layer`: .. code-block:: py fc.delete_region_layer(region_layer_id='layer1', plot_id='m31-green') A region layer can be uploaded from a file and overlaid on an image by using :meth:`FireflyClient.upload_file` and :meth:`FireflyClient.overlay_region_layer`: .. code-block:: py with open('myreg.txt', 'w') as fh: fh.write('\n'.join(region_data)) rval = fc.upload_file('myreg.txt') fc.overlay_region_layer(file_on_server=rval, region_layer_id='layer2', plot_id='m31-green') Visualizing Tables and Catalogs ------------------------------- Tables can be uploaded to the Firefly server with :meth:`FireflyClient.upload_file`, and displayed in a table viewer component with :meth:`FireflyClient.show_table`. The default is to overlay symbols for each row of the table (`is_catalog=True`) if the table contains recognizable celestial coordinates. .. code-block:: py tval = fc.upload_file('m31-2mass-2412-row.tbl') fc.show_table(file_on_server=tval, tbl_id='m31-table') If it is desired to overlay the table on an image, or to make plots from it, without showing the table in the viewer, use :meth:`FireflyClient.fetch_table`: .. code-block:: py fc.fetch_table(file_on_server=tval, tbl_id='invisible-table') If the table does not contain celestial coordinates recognized by Firefly, the image overlay will not appear. BUt if you specifically do not want the table overlaid on the image, `is_catalog=False` can be specified: .. code-block:: py fc.show_table(file_on_server=tval, tbl_id='2mass-tbl', is_catalog=False) Making Plots and Histograms --------------------------- Once a table has been uploaded to Firefly, :meth:`FireflyClient.show_chart` will display a scatter plot. The `x` and `y` parameters can be set to use names of columns in the table, or to arithmetic expressions that combine table columns. .. code-block:: py trace1 = dict(tbl_id='2mass-tbl', x='tables::j_m', y='tables::h_m-k_m', mode='markers', type='scatter', marker=dict(size=4)) layout1 = dict(title='2MASS color-mag', xaxis=dict(title='J'), yaxis=dict(title='H - K')) fc.show_chart(layout=layout1, data=[trace1]) A histogram can be displayed with :meth:`FireflyClient.show_chart`: .. code-block:: py trace2 = dict(type='fireflyHistogram', name='j_m', marker=dict(color='rgba(153, 51, 153, 0.8)'), firefly=dict(tbl_id='2mass-tbl', options=dict(algorithm='fixedsizeBins', fixedBinSizeSelection='numBins', numBins=30, columnOrExpr='j_m'))) layout_hist = dict(title='Photometry histogram', xaxis=dict(title='j_m (mag)'), yaxis=dict(title='Number')) fc.show_chart(layout=layout_hist, data=[trace2]) Both plot types include options for log scaling as well as other settings. Advanced: Callbacks and Extensions ---------------------------------- Callback functions can be added to :class:`FireflyClient`. Here is a simple example of defining and registering a callback that prints world coordinates to the Python session: .. code-block:: py def print_coords(event): if 'wpt' in event['data']: wpt = event['data']['wpt'] wdata = wpt.split(';') ra = float(wdata[0]) dec = float(wdata[1]) print('ra={:.6f}, dec={:.6f}'.format(ra,dec)) plistner = fc.add_listener(print_coords) To activate the callback in point-selection mode, add it as an extension with `ext_type='POINT'`. By default, the title of the extension will appear as a clickable icon when the Firefly viewer is in point mode. A small image can be passed in instead via the `img_src` parameter. .. code-block:: py fc.add_extension(ext_type='POINT', plot_id=None, title='Print coords', extension_id='pickit') To activate point-selection mode, in the Firefly browser tab, select the 'Lock by click' checkbox at the upper right. Then selecting any point in an image will overlay a box at that point. Finally, click on the 'Print coords' icon in the image display window to cause the callback to be triggered, and coordinates to be printed out. The callback can be deleted with `FireflyClient.remove_listener`: .. code-block:: py fc.remove_listener(plistner) Python API reference ==================== .. automodapi:: firefly_client :no-inheritance-diagram: